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Appel à communications : Collaboration in Music, Games and Play

📍28 janvier 2023.
Colloque en ligne.

Texte de l’appel

Acts of play, gaming, and music often rely on some degree of collaboration, such as between players, between players and technology, or between game designers. Scholarship in these areas also rely on collaboration in the form of citations, interviews, edited collections, and multi-author papers. The Ludomusicology Study Group of the American Musicological Society is pleased to announce a one-day virtual conference on the theme of ‘collaboration’ on January 28, 2023. We welcome proposals considering collaboration in the context of gaming and music both in the form of single-author papers, but also multi-author collaborations (including co-authored papers, panel sessions, roundtables, workshops, etc.), music videos, compositions, and performances. Other formats suited to a virtual conference are also welcome! The theme of collaboration is not limited to scholarship but can be included through structure and differing formats (e.g., creating a board game, scholarship ‘game jam’, or experiences on collaborative efforts within and outside of academia). We would like to encourage studies and ways of thinking that include music and play. All facets of ludomusicology are welcomed including: video game music, stand tunes, music for/in D&D, music and play in the classroom, and any other subject that connects music and playful collaboration.

Propositions attendues

Un résumé est à envoyer à pour le 1er septembre 2022 au plus tard :

“We especially encourage proposals drawing on a diverse array of scholars, writers, and thinkers. Proposals should be between 200-300 words, a short bibliography of 3-5 sources, an explanation of your intended format (especially if you would like to suggest an alternative to a 20 minute presentation), and a short list of anything else you feel would be relevant (e.g., time zone, interpreter, etc.).”

Billet publié le 21 août 2022.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jason Julliot (21 août 2022). Appel à communications : Collaboration in Music, Games and Play. Siméa. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse